Ferret Racing
Flat Caps & Ferrets is suitable for any event, no matter the size. The service can be used for entertaining guests at game fairs, country shows, corporate entertainment events, or for fund-raising activities. We are totally self-contained, having our own marquees and purpose-made equipment. All we require from event organisers is adequate space. Leave the rest to us! Watch our video to see what goes on! To discuss your needs or for more details Contact Us

In Flat Caps & Ferrets ferret racing events, five ferrets compete with each other, each in its own set of tubes, which are approximately 10 metres long. Interspersed along these lengths of tubes are small section of wire mesh, enabling the “punters” to see the ferrets.
Members of the audience are carefully selected, or pay for the privilege, and are trained as ferret jockeys, and then officially placed in charge of the ferret allocated to each of them.

It is the job of these ferret jockeys to encourage his/her ferret to move through the tubes to the end, in as little time as possible.
No physical contact is allowed with the ferret from the second it is placed in its own starting box, until the whole of the ferret (including tail tip) has exited from the other end of the tubes.
Once the ferrets are released from their starting boxes, anything can – and usually does – happen. No-one can predict the outcome of a ferret race.

Throughout the event, the safety and welfare of ferrets and public is paramount.
All ferrets used for the event are “quiet” (tame) and, between races, are kept in suitable accommodation, where ample food, water, company and shelter are available.
Everyone will enjoy ferret racing, and the National Ferret School’s Flat Caps & Ferrets is the leader in this field, with a product and service which reflects the best in the sport, with quality purpose-made equipment and a truly professional presentation.